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Tuesday 31 December 2013

A Dream Come True!

It is now the end of 2013 and we have been living for almost three months on our brand new home and loving every minute of it. I can say that this is one of the best times of our lives and this year is the best year for all of us and the best Christmas ever!, We also welcome the New Year - 2014 with another exciting year plus a brand new SUV.



Tuesday 19 November 2013


NBN - Fibre Optic Broadband Service installed. We are one of the lucky ones who acquired this direct fiber to home technology that we can not lived without and is an integral part of our home.

Tuesday 8 October 2013


Settlement Day then Appliances Delivery and Installation the next couple of days.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Landscaping - Day 13 and ALL DONE!!!

Landscaping is now finished, More fencing and left side gate done, Hills folding clothes line & Front metal palisade fence installed.Wisdom Landscapes did a fantastic job and it's worth it!

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Landscaping - Day 12.

Front brick piers were painted with moroka paint, Sir water buffalo turf laid, Plants/Trees planted.