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Monday 5 July 2021

 A New Member of the Family!

We bought a puppy and this is our first time owning one, It is a big responsibility but worth it as our children love her, she is so cute and naughty! Luckily, we have a decent size backyard where she can stay outdoors from time to time in a secured place. 

Wednesday 17 February 2021

 2021 and Beyond!

It's been almost two years since my last input on our blog.

Times had changed since the beginning of last year and we are still enjoying our dream home and we are grateful that we managed to survive the uncertainties and challenges brought on by the pandemic that started in 2020. Nothing changed much on our home but we maintained it really well both inside and outside, It still looks brand new even though we have been living there for more than 7 years. We also bought our second investment property and this time it's a townhouse, 15 mins away from where we lived in the Macarthur region of Sydney.